Monday, December 3, 2012

Agaw Democratic Party Formed

The wlka has received information on formation of Agaw Democratic Party (ADP), from a reliable source preferred to remain in anonymous. According to the source, the party had been formed in the early Novmber 2012 in northern Ethiopia. The party formation was carried out inline with the constitution of Ethiopia and Proclamation Number 573/2008. It is the first independent Agaw people’s political entity since collapse of Zagwe Dynasty in 1270. 

The party leadership, Central Committee was elected in compliance with the party’s draft bylaw and Revised Political Parties Registration, Proclamation 573/2008. The Central Committee consists of nine members including Chairperson, Deputy Chairman and Secretary. Mr. Andualem Tilahun had been elected as the party’s Chairman. The elect Chairman is well known with his adamant position on the rights of the Agaw people in general. He was quoted as saying in his remark following the election, “the ADP is keen to work in cooperation with all democratic or revolutionary forces, including ANDM, as far as they are not against the legitimate aspiration of the Agaw people. But, there will not be compromise on the constitutional rights of Agaw, under Article 39.” 

According to observers, the party formation was delayed due to resource constrains, which is up-to-date intact in the process. Public fundraising activity will be possible only after acquisition of the license from National Election Board of Ethiopia. The observers say, no question, support is essential for the new party’s progress and sustainability.  

 These News is from:

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