Monday, December 10, 2012

I have a Question???

In Ethiopia there is an oral tradition that Queen of Sheba has travel to Israel and born a child named Minilik from King Solomon. After these time people said the ruling system has changed to Solomonic dynasty. History told us 255 kings are passed in these name. But I think Queen Sheba is not Israel and she is Agaw. King Minilik I is also half Israel and half Agaw, so why the dynasty has called Solomonic? Why people need to be called an Israelian?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Qimant is the original language of the Qemant people of Semien Gondar Zone and Ethiopia. Although the ethnic population of the Qemant was 172,327 at the 1994 census, only a very small fraction of these speak the language nowadays. All speakers live either in Chilga woreda or in Lay Armachiho woreda. The number of first-language speakers is 1625, the number of second language speakers 3450. All speakers of the language are older than 30 years, and more than 75% are older than 50 years. The language is no longer passed on to the next generation of speakers. Most ethnic Qemant people speak Amharic. Qimant is not spoken in public or even at house as a means of day communication any more, but is reduced to a secret code.

1. Are we only 172,327???
2. Are we only lived in Chilga and Lay Armachiho???
3. why the language is not spoken in public????

As per my experience our people are highly populated over the following wordas 

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Agaw Democratic Party Formed

The wlka has received information on formation of Agaw Democratic Party (ADP), from a reliable source preferred to remain in anonymous. According to the source, the party had been formed in the early Novmber 2012 in northern Ethiopia. The party formation was carried out inline with the constitution of Ethiopia and Proclamation Number 573/2008. It is the first independent Agaw people’s political entity since collapse of Zagwe Dynasty in 1270. 

The party leadership, Central Committee was elected in compliance with the party’s draft bylaw and Revised Political Parties Registration, Proclamation 573/2008. The Central Committee consists of nine members including Chairperson, Deputy Chairman and Secretary. Mr. Andualem Tilahun had been elected as the party’s Chairman. The elect Chairman is well known with his adamant position on the rights of the Agaw people in general. He was quoted as saying in his remark following the election, “the ADP is keen to work in cooperation with all democratic or revolutionary forces, including ANDM, as far as they are not against the legitimate aspiration of the Agaw people. But, there will not be compromise on the constitutional rights of Agaw, under Article 39.” 

According to observers, the party formation was delayed due to resource constrains, which is up-to-date intact in the process. Public fundraising activity will be possible only after acquisition of the license from National Election Board of Ethiopia. The observers say, no question, support is essential for the new party’s progress and sustainability.  

 These News is from:

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Kemant (Ethiopian Agaw) Ritual

The Kemant Agaw people are considered as the original inhabitants of central-northern
Ethiopia. Living in the Gondar area – the historical ‘Kemantland’ (Gamst 1969:1) –
they have been progressively, then massively Christianised and Amharized the last
century. Nowadays, less than one percent of the 170,000 Kemant people (1998 census)
have preserved their ancestral language and beliefs. Our personal observation during
three different field works conducted in the Gondar area
(1999, 2002, 2007) confirm
Zelealem’s expertise (2002:15) considering that without the intervention of
extraordinary circumstances, ‘the extinction of Kemant is conceivable the next 40-50
The traditional Kemant are found in small villages in the Chilga area, about 60-80
kms west of Gonder. In this area, one can find high priests (kamazana) and priests
(abayegarya), led by the Wambar(litt. ‘seat’), their religious and political figure.
Monthly and annual festivals as well as other more private circumstances require their
competence. On these very occasions, theyperform through prayers, chant and dance a
ritual called Kedassie. This paper will focus on the presentation of this ritual.
Myths and beliefs of the Kemant people
Frederick Gamst (1969: 3-4) considered that the syncretized and archaic forms of belief
which characterize the Kemant religion are the result of two different religious strata
that exist in the Ethiopian Highlands: the Agaw and the Hebraic. That is why he called
them ‘Pagan-Hebraic’. This denomination has been contested by Joseph Tubiana